Humming and Hawing for Vocal Health

At Guelph V&S Corp, we’re big on SOVT exercises. Why? Because they work! The range of voice disorders and symptoms you can treat with them is astounding. They’re safe, gentle, and effective for healing and strengthening voices. But what are SOVT exercises? SOVT stands for Semi-Occluded Vocal Tract. These exercises involve partially closing off the mouth or vocal tract in various ways while phonating. The technique was pioneered by Dr. Ingo Titze, who demonstrated its effectiveness through clinical use supported by the science of vocology. Some common SOVT exercises include:

- Lip trills

- Tongue trills

- Humming

- Singing through a straw

- Hand over mouth

How do SOVT exercises work? SOVT exercises create beneficial back pressure on the vocal folds by narrowing the vocal tract. This allows the vocal folds to vibrate more efficiently with less effort. [1] [2] The back pressure helps to:

- Reduce vocal fold collision forces

- Lower the phonation threshold pressure

- Improve vocal fold closure

- Encourage a more resonant sound [1]

What are the benefits? Research has shown that SOVT exercises can:

- Provide a gentle, efficient vocal warm-up [1]

- Improve vocal stamina and prevent vocal fatigue

- Promote a healthy, resonant tone

- Help restore tired or misused voices [1]

- Assist with smoothing register transitions

- Make singing high notes easier

How to do them? Start with medium resistance exercises like humming or lip trills. Gradually work up to higher resistance like straw phonation. Aim to do a few minutes of SOVT exercises daily as part of your vocal routine. Some tips:

- Keep lips, tongue, and jaw relaxed

- Ensure air is flowing out the mouth, not the nose

- Use gentle, steady breath support

- Don't strain for volume - keep the sound easy

SOVT exercises are a simple but powerful tool for keeping your voice functioning optimally. By regularly incorporating them into your routine, you can improve stamina, vocal health, and overall sound. Consult with a qualified S-LP to learn the proper techniques and which exercises will benefit you most. Your voice will thank you!




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